Meet your 3TR-ABC study staff in Denmark
Celeste Porsbjerg
Prof, Ph.D.
Celeste Porsbjerg is professor of severe asthma the Department of Respiratory Medicine at Bispebjerg Hospital, Copenhagen, where she heads the severe asthma clinic, and the Respiratory Research Unit.
Her research revolves around solving key clinical issues in difficult asthma, understanding disease mechanisms, and personalizing asthma management.
Celeste Porsbjerg co-chairs the 3TR-ABC study. Furthermore, she chairs the Danish Severe Asthma Registry (DSAR) and the NORDSTAR Asthma Research Consortium, she co-chairs the ERS CRC SHARP, and she is the national representative for Denmark in the International Severe Asthma Registry ISAR.
Ditte K. Klein
Senior Researcher, Ph.D
Ditte K Klein is a senior scientist at the Respiratory Research Unit, Bispebjerg Hospital in Copenhagen, team leader for our translational laboratory team and research coordinator for the 3TR-ABC study. Ditte K Klein has a PhD in molecular biology and is an experienced manager of international multi-center clinical studies.
Emilie J. Bari
MD, Ph.D student
Emilie Johanning Bari is a medical doctor and PhD-student at the Respiratory Research Unit at Bispebjerg Hospital. She is educated from University of Copenhagen in 2019. She started at nit in October 2021 and was accepted as a PhD-student at the University of Copenhagen in January 2022. Her interest has always been in internal medicine and especially within respiratory medicine, severe asthma and airway-immunology. Her PhD is conducted within severe asthma and autoimmunity in the airways. She researches allergy and respiratory tract infections as risk factors in the development of severe asthma.
Emilie has been part of the 3TR-ABC study since October 2021 and as a medical doctor she has the clinical responsibilities of the patients included in 3TR-ABC. She is proud of being part of this transdisciplinary consortium and hopefully be a part of understanding the airways of the patients with severe asthma better in the future. She finds it meaningful to see the patients get better and to know that we can make a difference for patients in the future.
Nanna Dyhre-Petersen
Research Assistant, Msc, Ph.D student
Nanna Dyhre-Petersen has studied Medicine with Industrial Specialization at Aalborg University from 2014-2020. It is an education that combines traditional medicine, pharmacology, science, technology, and health economics. Nanna’s master profile is translational medicine which means she has gained the knowledge and competences to work in the clinic as well as the laboratory – she understands both worlds, and tries to bring them closer with the ultimate goal of developing the best treatments and therapies for the patients. Nanna started as an intern at the Respiratory Research Unit at Bispebjerg Hospital a few months after she achieved her master’s degree. Nanna quickly fell in love with the unit and vice versa and was offered the job as a research assistant. Nanna has taken part in the writing of the 3TR-ABC study protocol and other study documents for use in the clinic as well as the laboratory. In December 2021, Nanna was accepted as a Ph.D. student at Copenhagen University, and will conduct her Ph.D. research in collaboration with the Respiratory Research Unit. She is very happy to have been given the opportunity to study asthma immunology and to be a front figure in the 3TR-ABC study in Denmark.
Quote from Nanna – “For me the best part of being involved in the 3TR-ABC study is to follow the patients, see how they respond to therapy, and knowing that the research we do is relevant and meaningful”