
On the 31st of January we had our first 3TR – ABC Research Meeting! More than 50 3TR members participated with lots of enthusiasm, providing insightful comments and food for our thoughts!

We had a remarkable presentation of Prof. Dr. Peter J. Sterk on “How to develop research questions in an international consortium”, followed by the presentation of the actual research questions and substudies within the 3TR – ABC project.

Moreover, we introduced the SMART team (Study platform MAnagement & cooRdination Team) that will take care of the logistics and has the purpose to support all the centers that are willing to collaborate with us.

We are not done yet! This is just the start of future regular research meetings where we will all have the possibility to brainstorm together, potentially collaboratively builiding up new research questions and explore all the possibilities within the 3TR- ABC study!

As Peter Sterk said: “Enjoy! Remember; research is fun!”

We are definitely following his recommendation!

#3trabc #severeasthma #clinicalstudy